Thursday, August 14, 2008

My Babies

These are my four babies. They are best friends (though they do like to irritate each other). They love to jump on the trampoline, Swim in the pool, teeder todder, play at the park, eat popcicles, play with friends, go to primary and nursery, and what's best that I love about them is that they bring joy into our lives, and watch after each other. I wish I had a camera but one day I watched them sitting on the top stair of the deck with a cold bottle of water and make sure that they took turns sharing, saying please and thankyou, and just being angels to one another. Though we did have them very fast, and it can be a little tough getting around or taking care of them, I'd do it again. I couldn't imagine my life without them. I hope that as they grow, we will continue to grow as a family, that we will always learn something from one another, and be able to lean on each others shoulders.

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